Category Archives for "Images"

LEMP Stack CentOS 8

LEMP Stack CentOS 8 on AWS

This Supported Image contains the Latest CentOS 8 LEMP Stack – Linux Nginx MySQL/MariaDB PHP php-fpm (FastCGI Processing Manager)

This Minimal CentOS 8 server is designed to be light-weight and up to date on deployment for ease of use, security, and stability.

Maintenance updates will be available on this release until 30 September 2029.

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RHEL 7.6 (ARM)

RHEL 7.6 (ARM) on AWS

This latest RedHat Enterprise Linux 7 (RHEL 7) is available pre-configured by Supported Images to have the latest patches and security settings at image launch. Red Hat Enterprise Linux 7 is the latest server deployment in the Red Hat family of products.

RHEL 7 (ARM) file system is a logical collection of files on a partition or disk. A partition is a container for information and can span an entire hard drive if desired. Yeah, this is one of the main differences by comparing with other versions of RHEL. In RHEL7, the default file system is XFS. In RHEL6, the default file system is EXT4.

This product is specifically designed to run on the powerful Graviton & Graviton 2 ARM processors, for the following instance types:
a1, c6g, c6gd, c6gn, m6g, m6gd, r6g, r6gd, t4g

RHEL 7 maintenance updates will be available on this release through June 30, 2024.

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Jenkins on CentOS 8

Jenkins on CentOS 8 on AWS

This image contains Jenkins on CentOS 8 and includes support.

This Minimal CentOS 8 server is designed to be light-weight and up to date on deployment for ease of use, security, and stability.

Maintenance updates will be available on this release until 30 September 2029.

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Amazon Linux 2 (ARM) AMI

Amazon Linux 2 (ARM) AMI on AWS

This image contains Amazon Linux 2 (ARM) and includes support.

This Minimal Amazon Linux server is designed to be light-weight and up to date on deployment for ease of use, security, and stability.

This product is specifically designed to run on the powerful Graviton & Graviton 2 ARM processors, for the following instance types:
a1, c6g, c6gd, c6gn, m6g, m6gd, r6g, r6gd, t4g

Based on mzn2-ami-hvm-2.0.20210126.0-arm64-gp2

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Node.js 10 on Ubuntu 20

Node.js 10 on Ubuntu 20 on AWS

This Supported Image is a perfect template to create your Node.js Ubuntu 20.04 LTS Golden Images from.

This image contains Node.js v10 on Ubuntu LTS (Focal Fossa) and includes support.

This Minimal Ubuntu 20.04 LTS server is designed to be light-weight and up to date on deployment for ease of use, security, and stability.

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Windows 2022 Server

Windows 2022 Server on AWS

This Windows 2022 Server (Win 2022) AMI comes with Windows 2022 Base install and support services included.

Build our your server and roles exactly the way your organization needs them from this Base image. Built from the Windows_Server-2022-English-Full-Base Amazon image.

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