Author Archives: swilkerson

Deep Learning AMI Amazon Linux

Deep Learning AMI Amazon Linux on AWS

This image contains Deep Learning AMI (DLAMI) Amazon Linux and includes support.

This image is perfect for creating your deep learning models on a GPU instance such as: p2.xlarge, p2.8xlarge, p2.16xlarge, p3.2xlarge, p3.8xlarge, p3.16xlarge, g2.2xlarge, g2.8xlarge, g3.4xlarge, g3.8xlarge, g3.16xlarge, g3s.xlarge, g4dn.xlarge, g4dn.2xlarge, g4dn.4xlarge, g4dn.8xlarge, g4dn.12xlarge, g4dn.16xlarge and then changing to the inf1 instance types such as inf1.24xlarge, inf1.2xlarge, inf1.6xlarge, inf1.xlarge providing up to 40% lower cost per inference.

Deep Learning AMI has the folloframeworks (with CUDA 8.0, 9.0, 9.2, 10.0, 10.1 and cuDNN, NCCL):
Python 2 (python2)
Python 3 (python3)
Apache MXNet (Incubating) 1.6.0 with Gluon
TensorFlow 1.15 + Horovod
TensorFlow 2.0 + Horovod
PyTorch 1.3.1
Chainer 6.1.0

AWS Deep Learning AMI also comes with model debugging and hosting capabilities:
Apache MXNet (Incubating) Model Server 1.0
TensorFlow Serving 1.15
TensorBoard 1.15
GPU Drivers: NVIDIA Driver 418.87.03

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Ubuntu 18 (Ubuntu 18.04 LTS)

Ubuntu 18 (Ubuntu 18.04 LTS) on AWS

This Supported Image is a perfect template to create your Ubuntu 18.04 LTS (Bionic Beaver) (Ubuntu 18) Golden Images from and includes support from our team of Systems Engineers.

This Minimal Ubuntu 18.04 LTS server is designed to be light-weight and up to date on deployment for ease of use, security, and stability.

Current patch version Ubuntu 18.04.4 LTS built from ubuntu/images/hvm-ssd/ubuntu-bionic-18.04-amd64-server

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ECS-Optimized Amazon Linux

ECS-Optimized Amazon Linux on AWS

This image contains Amazon Linux that is ECS-Optimized and includes support.

Amazon Elastic Container Service is a fully managed container orchestration service.

Amazon Elastic Container Service (ECS) uses Docker containers to allows you to easily run your applications on a managed cluster of ECS-Optimized instances. Users can use this ECS-Optimized AMI to add resources to their ECS cluster.

Users can use this ECS-Optimized AMI to add resources to their ECS cluster.

See Launching an Amazon ECS Container Instance from step 5:

Built from the Amazon amzn-ami-2018 amazon-ecs-optimized image

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Nagios Core 4.4.5 on Ubuntu 18

Nagios Core 4.4.5 on Ubuntu 18 on AWS

Nagios provides monitoring of all mission-critical infrastructure components including applications, services, operating systems, network protocols, systems metrics, and network infrastructure. Hundreds of third-party addons provide for monitoring of virtually all in-house applications, services, and systems.

The powerful Nagios Core 4 monitoring engine provides users with the highest degree of monitoring server performance. High-efficiency worker processes allow for nearly limitless scalability and monitoring effectiveness.

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Redis CentOS 7

Redis CentOS 7 on AWS

This image contains Redis on CentOS 7 and includes support.

CentOS 7 is a Linux enterprise-class operating system that is functionally compatible with its upstream source, Red Hat Enterprise Linux (RHEL).

Maintenance updates will be available on this release until 30 June 2024.

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PostgreSQL on CentOS 7

PostgreSQL on CentOS 7 on AWS

This image contains PostgreSQL 9.2.24 on CentOS 7 and includes support.

CentOS 7 is a Linux enterprise-class operating system that is functionally compatible with its upstream source, Red Hat Enterprise Linux (RHEL).

Maintenance updates will be available on this release until 30 June 2024.

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