ECS-Optimized Amazon Linux 2 GPU

ECS-Optimized Amazon Linux 2 GPU on AWS

This image contains Amazon Linux 2 with GPU support that is ECS-Optimized and includes support.

This AMI is specifically designed to be able to take advantage of GPU support of these instance types:
on a GPU instance such as: p2.xlarge, p2.8xlarge, p2.16xlarge, p3.2xlarge, p3.8xlarge, p3.16xlarge, g2.2xlarge, g2.8xlarge, g3.4xlarge, g3.8xlarge, g3.16xlarge, g3s.xlarge, g4dn.xlarge, g4dn.2xlarge, g4dn.4xlarge g4dn.8xlarge, g4dn.12xlarge, g4dn.16xlarge

Amazon Elastic Container Service is a fully managed container orchestration service.

Amazon Elastic Container Service (ECS) uses Docker containers to allows you to easily run your applications on a managed cluster of ECS-Optimized instances. Users can use this ECS-Optimized AMI to add resources to their ECS cluster.

Users can use this ECS-Optimized AMI to add resources to their ECS cluster.

See Launching an Amazon ECS Container Instance from step 5:

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